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Review: Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Updated: Dec 22, 2020

Seventeen-year-old Juliette has been living the past three years locked away from the crumbling world. No one to talk to. And most importantly. No one to hurt. Juliette lives with a curse, a curse that withholds her from any contact with physical another human. She's somewhere where she doesn't have to be worried to hurt anyone. Or, that's what she thought...

Hope is hugging me, holding me in its arms, wiping away my tears and telling me that today and tomorrow and two days from now I will be just fine and I'm so delirious I actually dare to believe it.

Rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (4)

This book was definitely something new. Tahereh writes very poetic. You either like it or not. I liked it. At first, I wasn't sure what to think. Do I like that she sometimes repeats a word one two three four ten times? (<- If you read the book, you'll probably understand the counting) But, let's be honest, Juliette is a little cray-cray in this book and she hasn't seen a person for three years. So the way she acts kind of makes sense.

I've been mentioning this quite a few times on my bookstagram, but there is this certain character that everyone loves. For some reason that character becomes likeable? But how? Said character is such a creep!

“Every butterfly in the world has migrated to my stomach.”

The story was mostly introduction. Introducing the situation, characters and the world they live in. Though, 'Shatter Me' still left me with a couple of questions. There were a lot of short chapters, which made me read it faster.

I can't wait to read the sequel and the novellas! I recommend 'Shatter Me', but it's a risk. The writing style isn't for everyone! If you aren't sure if you'll like the writing style, I recommend getting it from the library first!


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